Maintaining Joint Health The Natural Way

Arthritis is a debilitating condition and is also the major cause of disability among people who are over the age of 55 and living in industrialized countries. The term arthritis covers a number of medical conditions. Osteoarthritis is considered as the most common form of this condition and affects the elderly. Younger people can also face such problems at an early age. The Mayo Clinic has defined this condition as an inflammation of one or more joints throughout the body. The symptoms that are normally associated with this condition are joint pain and stiffness. Conditions worsen with age and require medical attention.

The medical fraternity has provided four definitions for this condition. They are:


Rheumatoid arthritis

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

Infectious arthritis

The conditions mentioned above are painful and causes plenty of discomfort to the infected individual. Arthritis affects people in a number of ways. The severity of the condition depends upon the length of time that an individual is infected by arthritis. Patients will, on some days feel no discomfort while on the others will come across pain, stiffness, discomfort and fatigue.

Treatments to deal about the condition are certainly available and will depend upon the type of arthritis diagnosed, the age of the patient apart from the overall health condition. A physician will be able to determine the kind of treatment that must be provided upon making a thorough diagnosis.

There is a misconception among people who are infected that they need to get plenty of rest, especially when diagnosed with this condition. Contrary to these beliefs, therapists often advise people to make an attempt to keep their joints flexible and indulge in exercise of some kind. These are natural methods that will help infected individuals maintain mobility of their joints apart from the flexibility they need. They are also known as natural therapies, which can alleviate conditions for patients.

It must be understood that occupational therapy can teach patients to reduce strain on the joints and allow patients to carry out their everyday activity with a lesser degree of discomfort. The exercises taught can help the patient build strength in the muscles surrounding the joints. Muscles that are stronger can stabilize joints that are weakened. People with advanced age can also be given walking aids if it is decided that they need one.

Relief from the pain experienced can be found in certain areas of the body with the help of ice packs and ultrasound hot packs. A warm bath or shower can also provide relief making it easier for people with arthritis to exercise.

It has been mentioned that some kind of physical activity actually improves the symptoms of this condition. Physicians have issued warnings that the remaining immobile can harm the health of most patients making them susceptible to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. It has also been mentioned that inactivity will make the muscles weaker and decrease tolerance to pain.

Arthritis is believed to be a hereditary condition and is likely to run in families. People who have senior members within the family affected by this condition should begin to take precautions at an early age to try to and stay away from arthritis. The age of an individual plays a larger role in determining whether a person will be affected by the condition. Other reasons behind the development of arthritis are attributed to injuries and even obesity. Women are more likely to develop the condition of rheumatoid arthritis, which is described as an autoimmune disorder.

People facing such problems for the first time will be required to visit a physician and try to understand the severity of the condition. They must carry a list of questions, which they can ask from their physician. They can also expect some questions to be asked about their family history, injuries and the number of joints where the pain is noticed. They must be prepared to undergo some tests, which will be carried out. Medications will only be provided after a complete diagnosis has been carried out.

In the description provided above it can be seen that arthritis is not a condition that can be taken lightly. People who are affected or consider themselves susceptible must take all precautions necessary to stay away from this problem. If not, they will be required to become dependent on drugs, which will provide some relief but will also leave behind plenty of side effects. Under the circumstances what can people do to avoid such conditions?

Natural Remedies To Maintain Joint Health

It is strongly suggested that people maintain a close watch on their body and ensure that they do not put on unwanted weight. People can achieve this objective if they lead a healthy lifestyle from the very beginning. Cutting down on red meat, fatty food, alcohol and tobacco are a good way to start.

Getting some exercise everyday is something that must not be forgotten. Regardless about how tired people may be, they must make it a point to get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. This will not only ensure that they burn calories away but will also keep them in proper shape and provide their joints the mobility they need. Replacing the standard American diet of meat and fatty food with seafood is another option that can be adopted. Seafood is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, which are not produced by the body. This is an essential requirement for maintaining joint health in good condition.

People who are already affected have no options but to treat the condition. Here again they can look for alternatives rather than depend upon pharmaceutical grade medications.

Nature has provided us with plenty of ways to deal with conditions like arthritis. Until 1961, any company throughout

the world was promoting no natural remedies to combat arthritis. However, an amazing discovery was made in 1961 when scientists noticed the Maori tribes of New Zealand subsisting on a diet of raw green-lipped mussels and displaying no signs of arthritis whatsoever. This led to further research being conducted to understand whether this shellfish could indeed act as a preventive measure for this condition.

Further research was conducted to understand the components of green-lipped mussels and why they could display anti-inflammatory and painkilling properties. After intensive research, scientists concluded the following:

Green lipped mussels have a number of properties, which could aid joint health naturally. They contained Glycosaminoglycan’s that was determined to be an essential component for healthy connective tissue. This compound not just improved the elasticity in the connective tissue but also received attention for its role in maintaining strong joints.

A dominant form of Omega-3 fatty acid that was identified as Eicosatetraenoic acid (ETA) was also discovered. This compound has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and helps in relieving the pain and swelling associated with arthritis.

Another form of ETA identified as Lyprinolls was also discovered as helpful to keep inflammation of the joints under control.

Green lipped mussels also contain a number of antioxidants that are natural and can help to reduce high levels of free radicals that are often found in the fluid within the joints of people suffering from arthritis.

The discovery led scientists to conclude that this shellfish could indeed provide relief for people who suffered from conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. However, it was also discovered that people would not benefit from the amazing properties, unless they had the shellfish raw.

Green lipped mussels are native to New Zealand and are today extremely popular throughout the world for the amazing health benefits they offer. Unfortunately, this seafood cannot be had after being stored for some time or cooked. Under the circumstances, the only alternative available was to discover a method to convert fresh green-lipped mussels into supplements.

Manufacturers from New Zealand involved in the business of producing health supplements were quick to realize the potential of this product and soon began production of the supplement under stringent regulations imposed by the government of New Zealand. Today these supplements can be found throughout the world and being used by a number of people for the beneficial properties described. It must also be mentioned that some companies are also marketing products from other countries. These can at best be termed as fake because they do not have the raw material required or the know-how to carry out such activities.

People who intend to care for their joints naturally can begin to take green-lipped mussel supplements manufactured in New Zealand. They will have no difficulties in finding companies like Maxalife that are involved in this business for quite some time and can deliver a product that is highly concentrated. Perhaps the only people who will not be able to take advantage of such products of those that are allergic to shellfish. The others can definitely go ahead and make an effort to maintain joint health naturally with help from with help from green lipped mussel supplements.


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